Yearly Archives: 2010

but is it art? December 9, 2010 posted by

Talking Chess Set will set you back $30k

Chess is a game that’s been around for a long while. Despite its age, it is still one of my favorites. There is so much that you have to concentrate on, planning out your moves while trying to predict how your opponent will react. With all of that mental work going on, there isn’t always time for chit-chat. With this fancy Talking Chess Set, you don’t have to worry about conversation. Artist Barbara Kruger designed this chess set using three…

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Talking Chess Set will set you back $30k
Gadgets December 9, 2010 posted by

Add a zoom lens to your older iPhone

Would you like to do a bit more with your iPhone’s camera? Specifically, with the older 3G and 3GS models. Being a former owner of both, I can attest to the the fact that they don’t have the greatest cameras in the world. If you want to take a picture from far away, you’re pretty much out of luck. Unless you have the right equipment, that is. The Eye Scope for iPhone is a combination of case, tripod and lens…

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Add a zoom lens to your older iPhone
heh heh! December 9, 2010 posted by

How cute, an iPad holder that looks like an apple

Are you the kind of person that gets excited when they say the name of the movie in the movie? Well then perhaps you’ll find this little iPad Apple Shape Holder Stand amusing as well. You see, it’s an apple, that holds your Apple device. Get it? It’s very minimalist, and doesn’t do anything more than is absolutely necessary. At least the $8 price is minimalist as well.

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How cute, an iPad holder that looks like an apple
Fun & Games December 9, 2010 posted by

R2-D2 mug is the droid you’re looking for

When you think about the heroes of Star Wars, does R2-D2 come to mind? Sure, Luke blew up the Death Star, and Han took out the shield generator for the second one, but R2 had his share of victories. I mean, if he hadn’t taken it upon himself to run off and find Obi-wan, or fixed the hyperdrive on the Millenium Falcon, things would not have turned out quite the same for the rebels. To commemorate his achievements, why not…

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R2-D2 mug is the droid you’re looking for
cool tech December 9, 2010 posted by

Jump-Start CARD lets you siphon power from one battery to another

Our reliance on portable technologies is a double-edged blade. On the one hand, we have more information available at our fingertips than ever before. Sometimes it seems like we can do almost anything, just using the devices we carry around on a daily basis. Of course, on the other hand, we’re limited by how long our batteries last. Once they run out, we’re dead in the water, so to speak. Here’s an interesting concept that could prove very useful, if…

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Jump-Start CARD lets you siphon power from one battery to another
Gadgets December 9, 2010 posted by

GoSmart Clip – stick your smartphone right where you need it in the car

This GoSmart Clip attaches your smartphone to the steering wheel, making it easier to see and control without taking your eyes from the road. It’s an interesting idea, although we’re not sure that making it easier to push buttons necessarily makes it safer. It’s really difficult in this satnav enabled age to determine what is really safe, but one thing’s for certain, distractions cost lives. We’re reserving judgement on this one. $25.95.  With your smartphone securely fastened to your steering…

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Eco Friendly December 9, 2010 posted by

Solar powered Snowmen and other colorful Christmas LEDs

With the fast approach of Christmas, outdoor holiday decorations are appearing everywhere. In this time of whimsy and celebration, why not go with a new twist on old favorites? Solar powered Christmas figures like the Solar Powered Snowman bring a smile to children of all ages. This fun decoration is weather resistant, needs no wiring and is easy to install. Powered by LEDs and two rechargeable nickel-cadmium AA batteries (included), it stands tall on a 30” spike. You can also…

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Solar powered Snowmen and other colorful Christmas LEDs
Bookmark This! December 9, 2010 posted by

License Crawler – cool freeware scans for and locates your software licenses automatically

License Crawler is a very cool freeware program which scans your Windows registry for software license keys and displays them for your further use. No more laborious hunting through the registry with Regedit. Marvellous! Just fire it up, hit the Start Search key and in seconds it’ll pull up the license and serial numbers of your installed programs, including Windows itself. Note that it won’t find all license keys, just the ones which are installed into the registry, but even that is…

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Gadgets December 8, 2010 posted by

Habbycam SD Camera Brace – a great holiday gift for your favorite filmmaker

With more people delving into creating their own films, why not help them do their best with some great equipment? The Habbycam SD Camera Brace is a camera support system that will help any amateur videographer shoot like a pro – and stay on budget. Functional, handsome and made comfortable with a 3/4 inch foam shoulder pad, this top quality stainless steel and aluminum DSLR shoulder-mount device can be easily disassembled for easy transport. The brace will easily fit a…

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Habbycam SD Camera Brace – a great holiday gift for your favorite filmmaker
Gadgets December 8, 2010 posted by

Burnside Easy Answer Phone – GSM cell phone masquerades as a standard desk phone

This Burnside Easy Answer Phone is a mobile phone masquerading as a desktop landline phone. Apparently this quad band unit is less threatening to older folk, and also easier to use than a standard mobile phone. Sure it won’t fit it into your pocket, but your cell phone also won’t answer automatically in speakerphone mode like this one. Just slot in a SIM card of your choice and carry it around with you for emergencies. Or something. £169.00.  Burnside’s Easy Answer technology…

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diy December 8, 2010 posted by

DIY kit converts iPhone 4 to a cool Lomo camera

So what happens when you build a DIY Depth of Field adapter and attach a standard SLR lens to your iPhone4? You get some pretty awesome images and video that’s what. Of course this would work with any smartphone gear, but it’s interesting to see it in action here. Nice!   Tags: iphone+4, mobile+phone, photography, dof+adapter

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Awesome December 8, 2010 posted by

Star Wreck – hilariously going where no Finnish fan movie has ever gone before

Star Wreck is an awesome fan movie which has been 7 years in the making. Created by five students and some unemployed folk from Tampere, Finland, original versions were released for free on YouTube, but now it’s out on DVD. If you like quirky (and don’t mind subtitles!), you’ll probably love this. Captain Pirk and the crew of the Starship Kickstart, we salute you.  Just watch it and laugh! I’m a diehard Star Trek fan and this film has everything that makes…

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Bizarre December 8, 2010 posted by

Large Pocket Shirt lives up to its name

You know those t-shirts that have a little pocket on one side? What exactly do people use those pockets for, other than a pack of cigarettes? Maybe a cell phone, but not much else seems to fit in that little pocket. What you really need is a pocket that spans your entire chest. Then you can cram your phone, wallet, car keys, and probably some of your groceries too. You can get this Large Pocket Shirt for $30. Better yet,…

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Large Pocket Shirt lives up to its name
Gadgets December 8, 2010 posted by

Photojojo brings back the Polaroid Instant Camera

Technology is amazing these days, isn’t it? Being in my mid-20’s, I fee like I’ve gotten to experience a very interesting transitional period. When I was younger, the personal computer was just becoming something that people could actually afford, and I was able to see a period where almost no one carried cell phones. These days it’s hard to find anyone without both of those devices. Something else I remember is Polaroid cameras. Now I know that you can still…

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Photojojo brings back the Polaroid Instant Camera