Yearly Archives: 2010

Gadgets December 20, 2010 posted by

The Password Vault keeps your passwords in one place

In this digital age it seems like you need a password for everything. Things like checking your email and paying bills online obviously require a password to keep unwanted people out of your account. When there are just a couple to remember, it’s not bad, but it’s not uncommon to have 10 or 20 passwords that you need to remember, maybe more. That’s where this Password Vault comes in handy. This little pocket-sized gadget keeps all of your usernames and…

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The Password Vault keeps your passwords in one place
reprise December 19, 2010 posted by

Ferret posts this week

Here’s a quick round-up of Red Ferret posts from the past week for those who missed them. Enjoy. Barcoo – freeware lets you scan barcodes and get lots of lovely product info – Barcoo is a very cool freeware… Humble Indie Bundle 2 – ‘pay what you like’ games pack available again – We loved it the first time round,… Kogan 6" eBook Reader – Hands on review – The 6″ ebook market is where all… Hidden Camera Glasses –…

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Gadgets December 18, 2010 posted by

The Callet – wallet and phone case in one handy product

The Callet is a smartphone case and wallet rolled into one. Available in a variety of colours and designed specifically to carry your cash (notes only by the looks of it) and credit cards alongside your precious. Priced at $14.99 for Blackberry and iPhone only at the moment.   The innovative Callet comes customized to fit perfectly on many of the the most popular phones that you already use, but it also has easily accessible and ultra-convenient slit-pockets that can…

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Recommended December 17, 2010 posted by

The Splinter motorcycle helmet – safer and easier for paramedics to remove

Where there are motorcycles, there eventualy will be accidents. One of the toughest things for medical personnel in those situations is how to easily remove the biker’s helmet without causing more trauma. A new design concept called the Splinter Motorcycle Helmet has been created by a student at Bournemouth University in the UK. This innovative helmet – which won the 2010 Santander Design Grand Slam – was designed by student James Hooker to disassemble via side clips that unlock the…

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The Splinter motorcycle helmet – safer and easier for paramedics to remove
announcement December 17, 2010 posted by

Apple set to launch Mac App Store on January 6

The App Store for the iOS platform has been nothing short of successful. This was one of the first times that there was a single place to track down all of the relevant software for a particular platform. The idea revolutionized the way we looked at applications for the smartphone. Now Apple is wanting to take that a step further by announcing the Mac App Store will launch on January 6. Sure, there are plenty of ways to get applications…

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Apple set to launch Mac App Store on January 6
general December 17, 2010 posted by

The Casulo is an entire bedroom in a box

Moving to a new house or apartment is never a fun task. You have to organize and pack up all of your stuff, then somehow haul it all to the new location and then unpack it. This process can take weeks, depending how much stuff (and time) you have. I try to keep my moves down to every couple of years or so. Unfortunately some people don’t have such a luxury and find themselves moving several times a year. For…

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The Casulo is an entire bedroom in a box
Gadgets December 17, 2010 posted by

Kitchen iPad Rack is the perfect mounting system for when you’re cooking

I admit that I’m not the best cook in the world, but I am trying to get better. Of course my roommates laugh when they see me in the kitchen with my iPad as a recipe book. Yes, I’ll use that gadget for just about anything. I do have a stand for it, but when you’re cooking, counter space is quite valuable. So instead, it would be nice to have a way to hang the gadget from the bottom of…

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Kitchen iPad Rack is the perfect mounting system for when you’re cooking
but is it art? December 17, 2010 posted by

External hard drive concept is also a trackpad

When you buy an external hard drive, there really aren’t a lot of extra features to consider. Generally you’re buying it for its ability to store files, so the only extras you’ll really find are the bundled backup software suites. But what if your external drive functioned as a secondary peripheral for your computer, such as a track pad. Would that make you more interested in purchasing one over the other? This Lacie Float concept is an external hard drive…

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External hard drive concept is also a trackpad
Gadgets December 17, 2010 posted by

Striker Light Mine Professional puts light exactly where you need it most

When you’re working on a repair of some sort, lighting can be one of the most important factors. If you can’t see what you’re doing, how can you fix the problem? A flashlight is an obvious choice, but an ordinary one really only does the trick if someone is holding it. What you might consider is one of these Striker Light Mine Professional lights. This particular light is in a ball shape, and thanks to the 11 Neodymium power magnets,…

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Striker Light Mine Professional puts light exactly where you need it most
cool tech December 17, 2010 posted by

Hacked Christmas lights tell you who is online

If you spend a good deal of time online, then you no doubt use an instant messaging client of some sort. Well lets say that you have someone that you want to talk with online, but you want to be able to step away from your desk until they decide to sign on.� Sure, you can setup an audio alert, but those can be annoying and obtrusive. How about trying something a little more visually appealing. One hacker, who happens…

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Hacked Christmas lights tell you who is online
Gadgets December 17, 2010 posted by

Swiftpoint Review – Hands on with the mouse of the future

There are two types of people in the world, those that use laptop computer trackpads, and those that think there must be something better. Kiwi outfit, Swiftpoint, clearly fall into the latter category as they have come up with the Swiftpoint travel mouse. It’s about the size of a zippo lighter, charges in 30 seconds and may just change the way you use your laptop forever.

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Swiftpoint Review – Hands on with the mouse of the future
Bookmark This! December 17, 2010 posted by

Kiwi Bluetooth Car Diagnostic Kit for Android – diagnose problems with your car like a pro shop mechanic

This Kiwi Bluetooth Car Diagnostic Kit for Android is a combination hardware dongle and software product for tapping into your car’s on-board computer to check if the old jalopy is running all right. Yes your car probably does have a computer, most vehicles built after the late 90’s do, it’s what delivers those annoying engine light error codes. Anyhoo, all you do is plug in the wireless dongle to your car socket (usually under the steering wheel), install the software onto your smartphone and connect…

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Awesome December 17, 2010 posted by

Word Lens – awesome instant language translation in your smartphone screen

Word Lens provides instant real time language translation from your smartphone. Just point the camera lens at a sign or text and bingo, instant translation into a different language. The video is mind-blowing. Only Spanish/English so far, but wow…  Real time translating app. Turn your iPhone inot the dictionary of the future – NOW! Tags: word+lens, smartphone, app, iphone

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Awesome December 17, 2010 posted by

Performance – facial animation in video games starts to rival movies

If you want to take a look at the future of video game animation, especially in relation to facial animation, which has always been the tricky bit, then take a shufti at this short video trailer about Rockstar’s new title L.A. Noire. The game designers have come up with a new system called Performance, which combines some uber clever motion capture and 3D rendering to deliver…well awesome. Take a look, and fear for the future of the movie business once…

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future tech December 16, 2010 posted by

Fossil Bluetooth Watch stays connected to your smartphone

Be honest, how many times a day do you pull out your phone to see if you’ve gotten a new email, text, etc? Sure, your phone likely alerts you with some sort of sound for each of these, but sometimes you don’t hear it. Other times you might intentionally silence it due to a meeting, or any number of other situations. So wouldn’t it be great if there were an easier (and more discreet) way of checking your phone? The…

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Fossil Bluetooth Watch stays connected to your smartphone